Friday, 29 October 2010

When the girl at the top of the ladder you are trying to climb, describes the view as "unrewarding", be concerned.

When the girl at the top of the ladder you are trying to climb, describes the view as "unrewarding", be concerned.

I read the above quote somewhere and recently stumbled upon it jotted inside the margin of an old notebook. Notebooks are good for that; reminding you of thoughts and feelings you once had, yet forgot. I'd be willing to guess we forget 80% of the stuff we once deemed important or worthy of discussion. Whose got room for all that retention? To be able to recall it all effortlessly would be like sitting in your basement surrounded by all your old boxes of crap you've thrown out. Or maybe it would be like flipping through photo albums day in and day out, so that you are never surprised by a picture of yourself taken somewhere you don't recall being. That's half the fun of looking back; discovering something you completely forgot. What's funnier than a friend reminding you of the time you laughed so hard you tinkled your pants?

There's a reason we purge. Some of us more than others. We purge to make room for more stuff and we purge just as a good way to do a mental house cleaning. I know a few people who never really seem to purge the painful stuff. They hold it in pretending no one knows they hurt. News Flash: We Know. If you went through something difficult, traumatic, challenging, painful, scary or nerve wracking - everyone knows you have issues surrounding it that need purging. So, just purge the truth and be done with it.

Not too long ago I read Hugh MacLeod's book called "Ignore Everbody", it was a hoot. He's made a career out of illustrating cartoons on the back of business cards. The cartoons are sharp witted like "The Far Side", but with more edge and social purpose. In an interview he discusses "social objects" in relation to his art, and new outlets like YouTube, Twitter, Flikr, his website being a venue for the sharing of social objects। He uses his cartoons to say things he thinks, and leverages twitter to instantly share. The dude is pretty funny and worth checking out, and who knows you might just learn something. He's like a present day comic-prophet sort of guy.
